Welcome to the research!
Study Title: Experiences and Personality of Ex-QAnon Believers
Protocol Number: IRB-FY2024-248
Approval Date: 05/15/2024
Principal Investigator: Dr. William Langston (
Institution: Middle Tennessee State University
You are being asked to participate in a research project. The following information is provided to inform you about the research project and your participation in it.
This research project will evaluate the experiences and personality of people who stopped following QAnon. We will ask you some questions about things you might believe, and about your personality and experiences.
There are several parts to this project:
Report on things you might believe in
Report some experiences that led you to stop following QAnon
Describe your personality
The whole thing should take about an hour. There are a lot of questions to answer. Some of them will require a little thinking. Please take your time and try to answer them all carefully. Thank you again for participating in the study!
Here are your rights as a participant and information to help you decide if you want to participate:
Your participation in this research is voluntary.
- There will be no compensation offered for your participation.
You may skip any item that you don't want to answer, and you may stop the research at any time. Note that if you leave an item blank, you will be warned that you missed one, just in case it was an accident. You can still click that you don't want to answer. Some items may be required in order to accurately present the study.
There are no risks associated with your participation besides possible discomfort with some of the questions.
There are no real benefits to you from participating besides possibly learning something about the research.
You will NOT be asked to provide any identifiable personal information.
In accordance with journal publication standards, de-identified compiled data will be posted so that reviewers and other researchers can verify the analyses. The lab OSF page is
All efforts, within reason, will be made to keep the personal information in your research record private but total privacy cannot be promised. Your information may be shared with people at MTSU (such as the Middle Tennessee State University Institutional Review Board) or other agencies (such as the Federal Government Office for Human Research Protection) if you or someone else is in danger or if we are required to do so by law.
If you have questions about this research, you may contact lead researcher Dr. William Langston ( For additional information about giving consent or your rights as a participant in this study, please contact the Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) Office of Compliance at 615-494-8918 or via email at (
If you're ready to get started, please enter your age and make your choices below before clicking the arrow button (that button will be used to navigate through the entire survey).
Thanks again for volunteering your time to this project!